Privacy Policy

Processing of personal data

Your privacy is very important for the La Residenza, and this is why we handle your personal data with the greatest possible care, in compliance with Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 providing regulations on personal data protection, and also with Recommendation no. 2/2001, adopted by European authorities, meeting in the working party established pursuant to Art. 29 of European Directive 95/46/EC, on 17 May 2001, for the identification of certain minimum requirements for collecting personal data online.

Controller of data processing

Visits to this site may result in the processing of personal data regarding identified or identifiable persons. The controller of data processing is La Residenza, Viale D’Annunzio 8, 47838 Riccione RN,, VAT no. 04493690400.

Optionality of communication of personal data

Users are free to communicate the personal data provided in request forms to the La Residenza or indicated in other ways to ask for the transmission of information materials or other communications. Failure to provide the required information may make it impossible to supply the requested services.

Processing methods

Personal data are processed with automated methods, and only for the time strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are applied to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect uses and unauthorized access.

Rights of the interested parties

The parties that are the subject of personal data have the right at any moment to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of these data and to be made aware of their content and origin, to verify their accuracy or to request their supplementing or updating, or their correction (Art. 7 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003). Pursuant to this article, you have the right to request the cancellation, the transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law, or in any event to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons.

For all further enquiries on compliance with the privacy protection policy applied by the La Residenza, please contact us at:

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that the sites visited by users send to their terminals, where they are memorized for retransmission to the same sites the next time they are visited.

What are they for?

Cookies make it easier to navigate and interact with the website, making it possible to memorize preferences, analyse user behaviour and use tools intended to improve the user experience.

What types of cookie are there?

There are several different types of cookies – technical cookies, analytics cookies, product integration cookies and behavioural cookies. Here we will discuss technical and behavioural cookies.

Technical cookies

Cookies of this type are used for the correct operation of the site. Without these cookies it may in fact be impossible to display the site correctly, or some of its functions or other parts may not be accessible. This is why technical cookies cannot be disabled. Technical cookies may be persistent cookies (which are stored until their expiry date) or session cookies (which are destroyed when the browser is closed and are created again the next time the site is accessed).

Behavioural cookies

These cookies are used to obtain information about users that can then be used for promotional or advertising purposes. Behavioural cookies can be from the site itself or from third parties. Explicit consent is required for cookies of this type, and they can be disabled at any time.

Third-party cookies

Google Analytics cookies

Our site uses Google Analytics by Google, Inc., a service that offers measurement statistics and analyses of site performance by means of cookies. To consult a privacy notice for the Google Analytics service, go to To consult the Google privacy policy, go to

Google Adwords and Google Remarketing cookies

This site may use Google Adwords and Google Remarketing technology. Both are managed by Google Inc. The monitoring function of AdWords conversions also uses cookies. To help us track sales and other conversions, a cookie is added to the user’s computer when the users clicks on an advert. To find out more go to: Finally, users can disable Google Analytics cookies by downloading a specific plug-in for their browser available at


This site may also use performance cookies from the Clicky analysis service, used to perform statistical measurements. Clicky is a web analysis tool that allows website owners to understand how visitors interact with their websites. For further details:


This site may use Mouseflow, a statistics and heatmapping service provided by Mouseflow ApS. The cookies generated by Mouseflow are used to identify which areas of a page the cursor passes over or that are clicked on with the mouse, so that the areas attracting the greatest interest can be recognized. Users can opt out at any time from the collection and storage of data by Mouseflow by following the instructions given at: Further information on Mouseflow software and its privacy policy are available at:


This site may use CrazyEgg, an online analysis service by Crazy Egg, Inc, which uses cookies to analyse use of our site. Users can opt out at any time from the collection and storage of data by CrazyEgg by following the instructions given at: Further information on CrazyEgg software and its privacy policy are available at:

Plug-ins and social widgets

This site may use plug-ins to allow social network users to share contents they like with their “friends”, and to offer other functions associated with the posting of comments. These plug-ins store and access cookies in the user terminal to allow the social network to identify members when they interact with these plug-ins.
In particular, plug-ins from Facebook, Twitter, Google +1, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn may be used.

Facebook informative notice:

Twitter informative notice:
Twitter (configuration):

Google+ informative notice:
Google+ (configuration):

LinkedIn informative notice:
LinkedIn (configuration):



Online behavioural advertising from specialist third parties and advertising campaign management These cookies, installed by third-party online behavioural profiling companies, allow an anonymous profile of users to be created based on their navigation experience on this site and on all other sites. This makes it possible to provide users with advertising targeted on their specific interests, instead of generic advertising. These cookies are not managed by our company, and are called third-party cookies. The individual companies that install cookies of this type can be checked from this site:

How to disable cookies using browser settings

Find out how to disable cookies on the main types of browser: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera. However, after this operation, some functions of the web pages may not work properly. This page can be accessed from a link at the bottom of every page of the site, in accordance with Art. 122 part 2 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003 and in compliance with the simplified methods for informative notices and the acquisition of consent for the use of cookies published in Italian Official Gazette no. 126 dated 3 June 2014 and the respective register of procedures no. 229 dated 8 May 2014.